9 Types of Food that Causes Acne
A healthy and glowing skin, starts from the inside thus it requires right food intake…
Acne breakouts are formed from the excess oils that are clogged in the skin’s pores.
All the pimples, blemishes and acne are the common manifestation that is very visible to any person and is on the basis of the status of your health. It is the result of the lifestyle a person has and is continuing to practice.
There is no shortcuts and step by step formulas to look good. It is simply the choices we make on what we would like to prepare and place on our plate in every meal.
As that common saying goes, you are what you eat. It is a direct to the point context that a person should and must understand that our choices of who we want to be and what we want to become is in the sphere of our control.
The food we eat literally reflects and becomes who we are. It eventually shows in our body built, the status of our health, level of our energy in our everyday work and greatly manifested on our skin.
The skin is the outward and the largest organ of human body. It heals itself every now and then and is being nurtured on how the person is handling oneself.
The food we eat tells the whole body what to do, as every parts are interconnected to each other. It is so powerful that it can either make, break or change our entire body.
New cells are naturally produced and replenished by our body from time to time. The kind of cells that works in our body is the outcome from the food we eat.
Want to look fresh, good and blemish free? Start to choose the right food in your own phasing and choices.
Be aware that there are also certain foods that gives discomforts for your health and skin. These kind of food are good for our taste but are advocate in destroying the wellness of your health.
9 Types of Food that Causes Acne
- Highly Processed Foods
These products are manufactured to stay and have longer shelf-life. It has preservatives, additives and flavoring, coloring and said to be convenient foods for everyone. The few examples we would like to cite are the processed meat such as; bacon, sausages, ham, and many more. Savory snacks like chips, pies, pizzas, microwaveable food or quick to prepare food and many more.
This type of food is highly the cause of acne breakout due to its composition. It is greatly made of fats, carbs and sugar content to keep these kind of food to last longer to keep and at the same time easily prepared and available in the market.
- Refined Sugars
Refined sugars such as white and brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, glucose and many more are added sugar.
High component of sugar are high in calories. They are made to make food achieve the sweet taste a consumer would like to take. This kind of sugar has no essential nutrient that contribute to the body. High sugar raises the body sugar that allows the body to secrete more oils and swelling that makes up an acne.
- Refined Carbohydrates
These can be defined as doughnuts, bagels, muffins, and the like.
These are processed flour and sugar. This kind of carbohydrates diminishes the fiber that is needed by the body and accommodates into sugar. This refined carbs can then be transmuted into refined sugar, as it is easily digested and goes to the cells. The digested carbs into sugar then becomes sebum that clogs the oil in the skin, as the reason of having acne.
- Milk and Other Dairy Product
Milk and dairy products can easily create the buildup of insulin. This products are also high in protein that is susceptibly linked to acne formation. So instead of taking in too much of this product, there are also alternatives to be consumed and be aware of moderation at all times.
- Fatty Foods
Fatty foods are most commonly consumed in every fast food restaurants. Examples are fried foods (such as fries and deep fried meats) and processed baked products (highly fatty pastries). These type of foods greatly contribute to blood to create inflammation. Thus commonly one of the building blocks to have acne breakouts.
- Alcohol
Alcohol is greatly composed of sugar and it makes the skin dehydrating. It depletes the production and retention of the body moisture. It also depletes the collagen making process of the body to keep it looking young. This imbalance the PH level of the body and accommodates breakouts because of dehydration.
- Caffeine
Caffeine increases the disruption of cortisol activity of the human body that greatly creates stress. Stress always manifest itself through acne breakouts and blemishes. Consume at least minimum amount of coffee per day or replace it with tea and other organic drinks.
- Carbonated drinks and juices
Carbonated drinks and juices are widely made of tons of sugar. This high sugar content beverages raises body insulin that can greatly affect the build-up of acne. This high sugar drinks can also lead to premature aging, as wrinkles and other skin alterations may arise.
- Nuts
Nuts are rich in omega 6 products. Omega 6 is rich in fatty acids. This is prone to acne since it triggers more production of oil in the body as well as inflammation. It also triggers other skin condition due to the fatty acids it produces.
There are some other reasons that causes acne breakout. It is also connected to the lifestyle and the skin care regimen that a person does.
Of course drinking enough and ample of water per day, sleeping enough hours for the body to rest and habitual exercises can also keep a person from having an acne.
Choosing the right food to eat is a necessity. It requires a long-term commitment to keep yourself from being healthy and on looking healthy as well.