7 Virtual Birthday Party Ideas for Kids
As the world has fallen into the depths of quarantine and social distancing due to the unfortunate pandemic, meeting friends and attending social gatherings is like a memory reel that cannot be replayed anymore. Even when we do host parties, we cannot carry them out without taking elaborate precautions and following strict safety measures.
While this sure is stressful for the older generations, for kids, it can be a nightmare! They can no longer have fun with their friends or eat snacks from the outdoors without being extra careful. Most importantly, they cannot host a birthday bash with their closest friends!
While another trip around the sun might not be of much importance to the adults, kids eagerly wait for this big day so that they can receive exciting presents and be lionized with the utmost amount of attention and love! So, you shouldn’t let these circumstances stop you from celebrating this momentous occasion for the precious little ones!
Thanks to technology and the steady growth of video conference apps like Zoom and Skype, hosting a virtual birthday party with the kinsfolk is nothing but a piece of cake!
In this article, we have listed seven virtual birthday bash ideas you can try to keep your kiddies happy! Read further to know more!
Dance Party
Put on the birthday kid’s favorite song and groove to the music during a Zoom call with all the party mates! While it is exciting and makes up for a good time, dancing improves muscular durability and keeps them sparkling and active!
In case they don’t know any dance steps, you can learn an uncomplicated ‘TikTok’ dance that they love and film a cute dance video together!
Online Slumber Party
Is your child upset as they cannot do movie nights and sleepover parties on their birthday! Why worry when you can host a perfect slumber party on Zoom?
Gather some snacks, soft drinks, and blankets as you huddle up and stream movies on a Zoom call! You can choose a film of the birthday honoree’s choice on Netflix and share your screen for everyone to watch together!
Glam up party
If your child loves playing dress-up, this virtual party idea is perfect for them! Themes like Marvel, Disney, Halloween, and Cartoon will surely spur some creative costume ideas. You can also let your creativity take over and pick “out-of-the-box” themes to stir some laughter and surprise! Let your child twirl around and enjoy a fairy or superhero costume with their close buddies as you advance with the birthday games and cake cutting!
Virtual Escape Room Party
There is nothing better than solving clues and immersive puzzles to strategically escape a room with a themed environment beside their closest friends! Luckily, escape rooms have now turned virtual!
Surprisingly, these escape games are super easy to host! Make a booking with an escape brand that offers escape rooms for children’s birthday events and, you are set for a blast!
The company will take over and host the event on a Zoom call, promising all the party mates some cinematic escape action and adventure-mystery!
Zoom Whiteboard Party
Now, the online whiteboard used for hand-written demonstrations during meetings can be a platform for fun games too! During the virtual birthday party, you can improvise by playing games like Pictionary, Charades, Zoom Bingo, and scrabble for an engaging game night!
You can also play a talent game where all the party mates can express their artistic genius by drawing their favorite cartoons!
Scavenger Hunt
Pre-quarantine, this game made players play detective and run around energetically scouring for objects. Surprisingly, you can play the same thing now on a video call!
As a host, you can make a list of easily-available-but-kind-of-rare household items and call them out as players run around to search them. The kid who brings and displays the items on the camera before the clock runs out will be declared the winner!
Some examples of these items can be a red water bottle or a blue jar. You can also go creative with the list and add extra conditions and rules to make the experience more challenging!
Themed dinner party
Now you can have a get-together dinner party for the kids, remotely! Prepare their favorite dishes, and try your best to follow the color codes of the theme you have chosen! They can not only relish in some pretty-looking delicious food but also have a fun chat with their best friends!
So, now you have some filled tummies and happy faces too!
Birthdays are those special days that come only once a year. That day provides the best opportunity for you to express your love and appreciation for your tweens and toddlers! Favorably, communication technology has made birthday events happen even when we are stuck inside the walls of our homes!
Make it exceptional and memorable by implementing these virtual party ideas for your next birthday event!