Home Health & Fitness 4 Big Revolutions in Healthtech You Should Be Aware Of Today

4 Big Revolutions in Healthtech You Should Be Aware Of Today

4 Big Revolutions in Healthtech You Should Be Aware Of Today

The world has gone through dynamic changes in less than a decade and most of the tech innovations and disruptive technologies have become obsolete already. In 2010, if flip phones were a thing and fancy, they are all antique pieces now.

That’s simply how fast technology is progressing and changing the world. If there’s one specific domain where technology has caused the most positive impact, it is the healthtech sector. Ever since we humans managed to generate, store and process tons and tons of data, we have been coming up with futuristic applications of it through artificial intelligence, machine learning and more.

Though these technologies are the current trending and the most in-demand concepts in healthcare and other industries, what does the future look like for healthtech in general? As we continue to live our busy lives, what phenomenal changes are happening in the health tech sector that are silently redefining our future?

Well, we are about to find that out on this writeup.

Let’s get started.

The Next Big Revolutions in Healthtech

Genetic Predictions

Our genes or the DNA are home to some of the most crucial pieces of information about us. From the skills we are most likely to develop to our attributes, emotions and more, genes have stamps of them all. The pop culture has made good use of this fact through its movies and books by explaining to people about genetic memory and how it can be restored.

But today, something very similar is being worked on. When you visit your doctor for consultations, you would often be told about the risk of developing certain diseases as they are hereditary. Meaning, they run in your family.

Genetic predictions are all about accurately predicting the diseases or complications you are most likely to develop because of your genes. For instance, if your family has been prone to heart diseases or cancer, chances are that you would be vulnerable to the disease at one point, too. And with genetic predictions, this can be accurately pointed out and be treated at the right time.

For those of you who didn’t read, one of the previous articles we published has more information on sending out genetic samples to healthtech solution companies and finding out more about your genes and its risks. You could read the article here.

Sweat Analysis

They say that the body releases harmful toxins in the form of sweat. Though they cause discomfort to us as humans the most, soon, they might be one of the most sought samples of bodily fluids. An interesting fact is that sweat analysis has been in the study for over a decade but it’s only now that their application seems more plausible because redesigns in sensors and other allied technologies.

Experts believe that sweat carries important information about the conditions of our internal organs and that they can open a gateway into our physical health and its maintenance. Proper research and analysis of sweat could also help athletes perform better and diagnose diseases better. This is because they carry amino acids, metabolites, electrolytes, hormones, proteins and more.

AR/VR in Healthcare

Two of the most underrated technologies are augmented reality and virtual reality. If you remember, both these technology concepts had their short bubble of fascination and patronage during 2010 and 2020. They were futuristic and still were in their infant stages back then. But recent advancements in technology are all making them ready for one of the next big things in the healthtech sector.

Some of their amazing implementations would include –

  • Training surgeons through virtual reality glasses as operation theaters restrict the number of students during an operation to two or less. With the help of virtual reality wearables and multiple camera setups, surgeons can be trained in real time.
  • Virtual reality can also be used to distract patients from the excruciating pain they go through. The University of Washington’s research lab also launched a program called SnowWorld, where patients would be assigned the task of throwing snowballs at the penguins they see on their screens. Such distraction is designed to help them focus on the immersive experience rather than their pain.
  • Augmented reality will also be used to offer an immersive learning experience to doctors and students, where smarter classrooms could have holograms of organs and doctors could teach them through 3D-rendered models.
  • Augmented reality will also allow doctors to treat fictional patients for training purposes. This will explore diverse clinical scenarios they are most likely to encounter.

Predictive Diagnostics

There is a wing in data science called predictive analytics, where with historic data, algorithms can accurately predict when something will happen in the future. This concept will be put to best use in healthcare, where based on the data available on electronic health records of an individual and based on other parameters like hygiene practices, lifestyle, diet and more, algorithms can accurately predict what diseases or complications they are likely to develop in the future. Such mechanisms could also tell when a malignant tumor would turn benign and more.

Wrapping Up

The future looks and sounds promising for the healthtech sector. If you notice, all these advancements are not happening overnight. It’s taking decades to finally evolve into something so profound. That’s why we urge you to get started with your ideas as early as possible.

The possibilities today are endless and we recommend you approach a healthcare app development company like us and share your ideas. Our healthcare app developers could work on your idea and roll out a product the world deserves tomorrow. Our healthcare app development services would also offer consultations and suggestions on how your product could be improved through precision or custom mHealth app development.

We are an elite healthcare software development company and we suggest you reach out to us today.


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